By John Wolcott, KB6OVO and Bill Malecki, KN6SMP

Dateline – October 12th, 2024 

The members and guests of the Catalina Amateur Repeater Association “BBQ in the Building” (BBQITB), had a wonderful time, enjoying the delicious hamburgers, hotdogs and side dishes brought by the attendees as well as lots of great conversation and even a very informative educational presentation by Midge, W6LIK. She was assisted in the presentation by Rick, KK6CTT.

Nancy, KJ6EYB and Karol, KC6LJF were recognized by Midge, W6LIK for their continued contributions to our events. Nancy, along with her husband, who is the CARA vice president, Don, WA6GVI are always in charge of the kitchen. Whether it be pancakes, as we have at most of the CARA gatherings; or hamburgers and hotdogs at our BBQ, once a year, they do a great job. Karol, KC6LJF, along with Jim KB6TKA and their grandson, James, generously give of their time to make sure that our meeting location is spic and span before we leave.

As always, the members contributed very generously to our fundraising raffle where we had two radios offered; as well as many other interesting and useful items. The radios were the Yaesu 2980R 2 meter 80 Watt mono band radio, won by Dr. Steve, AA6IO and the Yaesu FT-70DR, won by Jan, W6CEP.

Don, KD6UMC, brought along his classic Bird Thruline Wattmeter which was made available for the group; to examine and test their transceivers.

As always, Chris, KF6LEX demonstrated his latest mobile set up. At this event, he brought his newest fully loaded electric bicycle. It was complete with ‘on the go’ VHF communications and was at the ready for HF amateur radio communications. 

The attendees were not just our human club members and guests, but also some of our favorite canines were in attendance. Rocky, known to his friends as ‘The Rockstar’ was with his dad, John, KB6OVO. Also, Lupe, companion of Kenny, KA6CMG and Barkley, the friendly and inquisitive cocker spaniel who came along with his buddy, Kim, KC6ARY.

No doubt, the highlight of the event was a birthday celebration for Ruth, W6LXL whose birthday was in August; turning 100 years young. She was recognized with a beautiful cake and other treats along with a lovely homemade sign reading ‘Ruth W6LXL Celebrating a Century of Life.’ Ruth has been an amateur radio operator for more than 70 years. Ruth’s interests over the years, include being an avid rockhound as well as an airplane pilot. A check in from Ruth is always a highlight of any CARA net.

It was, all in all, another terrific CARA gathering. The group keeps getting bigger every time we meet. Don’t miss our next event, the BITB (Breakfast in the Building) coming up on December 14th, at the Huntington Beach location; 9933 Villa Pacific Drive at 9am. It’s much more than just a breakfast. It’s meeting up with the friendliest and most knowledgeable group of Amateurs you’ll find anywhere.